Health in Taking a Personal Inventory

I’ve been re-evaluating my life over the past two weeks. My wife’s been doing the same. I believe it’s essential to do some form of this at regular intervals in our lives. I’d love to hear if you do the same.

Here’s what I’ve been examining. A deep dive into my physical, mental, and spiritual health. Though it is easy to consider each as their own individual segment, they are very much interconnected. What I’m about to share is authentic and unreserved. My reason for sharing this is to hopefully encourage or inspire you to do something similar.

Here we go!

Physical: Back in October (2022) I weighed in at 300 lbs! At this point, I was already wearing size 3XL shirts. At 6’ 3” and with loose-fitting clothes it’s pretty easy to hide most of that weight. This discovery created a ‘hard stop’ for me. I did not want to be a man in his 50s weighing 300+ and it was creating physical issues. Foot pain, sciatica, knee pain/popping, low back pain, fatigue, etc. I NEEDED a change. So, I joined Weight Watchers (again). Now, this isn’t for everyone. But it has worked for me in the past. As of today, Jan 16, I’m down 18 lbs. I still have about 62 lbs to go and I know it will be a battle most of the time. But I have a secret weapon…my WIFE! She is using Noom for her health journey and we are doing this together. Thanks, Honey! I had an X-ray of my knee today. Doc suspects arthritis and likely to need steroid injections. Hey Welcoming Committee of entering my 50s, you might want to take a course on hospitality.

Mental: Ok guys, this is a big one. Mental health is such an important aspect of life for all of us. In fact, it’s a large piece of what drew us to relocate to the Oregon Coast. The salty air, majesty of the ocean, and a change-up in our careers were all pounding on the door. So, we opened it and took a big step. And in the past 14 months we have experienced many ups and downs. We recently began seeing a counselor again. Funny, I wanted to add ‘nothing serious’ to that. But I’ve been working in mental health/counseling myself for over 30 years and here’s what I know. It doesn’t have to be ‘serious’ for counseling to be beneficial. In fact, I would argue that many of us tend to wait until something becomes serious before we reach out for help. Personally, I’ve been taking Citalopram for roughly 5 years for moderate anxiety. At the time, there were things in my personal life (family and career) that felt completely overwhelming. Today, however, things feel tons better. After speaking to my doctor, we have a 4-week plan to ween me off of this medication and begin trying less harsh, more natural means to manage situational anxiety. This was my choice. I never wanted to remain on Citalopram for good, even though some people do require a life-long treatment for their specific need. I’m excited and a little nervous. Prayers are welcomed.

Spiritual: I know I said that the mental aspect is a big one, but honestly all three are huge. I could be the healthiest physically and mentally, but if I was dying spiritually honestly my life would not be worth anything at all. My faith is absolutely everything to me. There isn’t a single aspect of my life that my faith in Jesus doesn’t touch. Sadly, that truth isn’t always apparent. Moving to the Coast has been really good for me, but the past year has also been a season of struggle to rediscover a new normal pattern. A new daily habit of connecting, growing, and living in God’s presence. In many ways, it feels like I’m still fingering this out. But it also feels like I’m coming out on the other side of this in a fresh, healthy way. I also landed on my One Word for 2023 back in December. – DISCOVER

One challenge our counselor has tasked us with is to do a word study of ‘Joy.’ I’m just beginning this, but it’ll likely be in a future post.

There it is. I would LOVE for you to leave me a comment. How is your 2023 going so far? Have you taken a personal life inventory before?

I look forward to connecting with you soon. God bless.

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